
Fishery is a key sector in the European food industry. More than 90,000 fishing vessels are running under flag of an EU or EFTA country providing more than 5 million tonnes of fresh fish and seafood in a year. 86% of these ships, approximately 82,000 vessels belong to the smallest, under 25 tonnes class operated mainly by SME fishing companies.... Continue>
The context

RECOICE project represents an environmentally sound means to make progress on both quality improvement and cost reduction by developing a cost-effective on-board liquid ice making machine for small-size fishing vessels. ... Continue>
The innovation

Typically, fishing vessels of 100 tonnes and over are equipped with refrigeration installations and have on-board freezers in which to store their catch. Given that it is simply not feasible to store sufficient ice purchased at a port terminal on board to meet the needs of a long voyage, these types of vessels process the catch at sea and must have ice generators installed for cooling fish during processing.... Continue>
ITS-Energy's contribution

ITS-Energy contributed to the devenlop and the design of an innovative Stirling Engine, which operates through the exhaust gasses of the hosting fishing vessel. The Engine gives electrical power to an inboard liquid-ice prodction machinery, through the processation and purification of the sea water.... Continue>
The Team

The RECOICE consortium is consistent and it has the competitive advantage of developing a novel, cost-effective device for a market gap in the fishing industry. The consortium members are well-functioning and experienced, obtained with complementary advantages on the market. The consortium was brought into existence by a definite business opportunity of several SMEs operating in competitive fields.... Continue>